When Will Up Faith and Family Add More Season 12 Heartland

Greetings, and Happy New Year to everyone! Today we're coming back to EUIV DD's, after taking a couple of months' break from them (unfortunately not due to long Spanish holidays, as some on the forums have suggested :p). What we've been doing in that time was already mentioned past Johan in the terminal DD: working on i.32.ane and 1.32.2 patches, then moving on to the side by side one, 1.33, that volition be live after this quarter.

Equally Origins and 1.32.two release have been mostly well praised (and we're very happy about that!), nosotros thought that we wanted to motion on 3 principal points for the upcoming 1.33 patch:
i) Fixing most of the remaining bugs from 1.32/Origins.
two) Balancing some mechanics that had been on our list for a while.
3) Go along working to improve AI operation, as some issues appeared in 1.32.

Today I'll exist focusing on the game balance changes that nosotros've been working on, as we still have some room for making changes earlier releasing the patch (although not new content, equally nosotros may exist adding more in the next immersion pack we will be working on after this patch), and we want to receive some feedback on them from you, the customs.

With Origins release, we've been able to revamp the setup and remainder of Africa, and nosotros're pretty happy with it, in general terms. So, we idea of moving back to the Far Eastward, every bit at that place were some rest issues that were not fully resolved by Leviathan although focusing in part on the SEA region. Regarding that, we were aware of the big give-and-take on Ming balance in the forums, thus it would exist a good idea to tackle it for this patch.

Ming and the Emperor of China is a actually difficult tag and mechanics to balance out. It starts every bit the strongest land in the world, and MingBlob was not a desired outcome in past patches, as information technology hindered Eastern Asia gameplay (fifty-fifty affecting Bharat super-region, as others accept said). So, because of that Mingplosion being a regular outcome was useful for gameplay purposes, although Qing and other successors are not usually and so successful when it comes to reuniting the EoC, being honest. For players, it'southward true that information technology's not the well-nigh challenging/rewarding tag to play with information technology, because it may be not too compelling to handle the disaster if you advance on Mandate of Heaven reforms, while at the aforementioned time it won't be a very challenging playtime, if you achieve some snowball point early on on (which is pretty doable by experienced players).

And then, we've come up with the following changes to Ming/EoC to try to rest it a chip better:

- The Celestial Empire now has a sixth reform available which allows vassalizing your own tributaries at the cost of Mandate.
- Confucianism has been buffed:
- All the modifiers from harmonized religions accept been standardized in their power compared to other religions.
- Reduced the base Yearly Harmony from 1 to 0.25.
- Increased the Harmony cost of harmonizing a religion from 3 per year to 3.25.
- Religious Unity now gives +1 Yearly Harmony at 100% Religious Unity (can not get above that).
- Positive Harmony now gives: +iii Tolerance of the True Faith, -ten% Development Price, +1 Meritocracy, +0.five Legitimacy, +1 Devotion, -0.5 Yearly Corruption, +50% Harmonization Speed.
- Negative Harmony now gives: +i Yearly Corruption, +xx% Stability Price, -1 Legitimacy, -2 Meritocracy, -ii Devotion.
- Negative Stability now decreases Yearly Harmony by 0.25 per missing stability.
- Eastern Denominations religions harmonized now unlock monuments requiring it.
- The new Holder of the Mandate gains the following bonuses atop of their +0.05 Mandate: +12 Force Limit, -10% Land Maintenance, +15% Manpower Recovery Speed.
- The events of the Ming Crisis disaster now allow you to swap your land with one of the Chinese warlords yous release in the event.
- Force Tributary CB (along with other CB'due south with a specific purpose, equally Restoration of Union and Subjugation) don't allow taking of provinces whatsoever more than.

The Idea of the Harmonization Speed increase at high Harmony is to encourage alternating between harmonizing a new faith and accumulating Harmony. Information technology should be possible for you lot to exist just equally fast with harmonizing religions as somebody who is chain harmonizing all the time.

Autonomously from that, we're doing the post-obit changes to other countries on the Far E neighborhood:

- Manchuria Overhaul with the improver of Nivkh civilisation, Korchin having a vassal, redistribution of provinces and addition of the Amur Estuary (mostly following this thread in the Suggestions subforum, as we call up it was actually well thought: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/manchuria-again.1505121/).
- Moved the Vietnamese culture out of the Chinese culture group
- Added "Sinicize our Civilization" for the Vietnamese and Korean cultures, allowing you to move with your culture into the Chinese culture grouping. The decision requires y'all to have a Chinese cultural majority in your country or being the Emperor of People's republic of china
- Korea'southward starting heir has been buffed by +i/+1/+1. (The reason existence to buff Korea a piddling chip, while Hyang is a little bit more than average of a monarch than the game might propose. Sickness shortened his life quite a lot, which played a huge gene for us to give him the benefit of doubt and increase his stats a petty bit).
- Hanseong gained +15 Evolution as it was quite the large city in 1444 and comparable to the many large Chinese cities.
- Shinto countries now can use Buddhist monuments.

Finally, we've been also doing some changes regarding Portugal, Indian estates, a combat pips rework, and other stuff:

- The Castilian/Castilian mission "Recover Portugal" has been moved. At present it requires the completion of the missions "Subjugate Navarra" and "Reclaim Andalucia". The Restoration of Union CB has been moved accordingly besides and is but available to Kingdom of spain if both missions are completed. This change will brand Portugal non so easily PU'd by Castile, as nosotros were seeing this a lot in our nightly AI tests in the first twenty years of the game
- Portuguese ideas take been buffed, as we felt that they were a bit lackluster compared to other Tier i countries, and that Portugal was having a rough time in early game against Castile and other powers:
- Traditions: +x% Infantry Gainsay Ability instead of current +15% Trade Efficiency (to requite Portugal a bit of punch in early game).
- Legacy of the Navigator: +x Naval Morale instead of current -33% Morale hitting when losing a ship (on par with Danish NI'due south).
- Encourage the Bandeirantes: +15% Trade Efficiency instead of +ane Merchant (basically reshuffling the older tradition into here).
- Royal Academy of Fortification, Arms and Drawing: +one Arms instead of +10% Arms Gainsay Capacity (and so it gives some land punch in early on-mid game while diminishing in late game, and extra naval punch, which is WAD).
- The Indian Estates now take access to their versions of powerful manor privileges such as "Strong Duchies", "Religious Diplomats", "Religious Culture" and "Nobility Integration Policy".
- Added a new determination for Muslim Indian countries, which let you to replace the Brahmins with the Dhimmi if you own any province outside the Muslim or Dharmic religion groups.
- Added events for Alcheringa nations, which permit them to unlock their cults without the demand to complete their missions. The events, however, have the same requirements to trigger every bit their mission counterparts.
- Forming Rome volition now convert all provinces of your civilisation grouping to Roman.
- Ottoman missions are now bachelor to Rûm.
- Regiments' fire and shock pips now also count toward morale damage in their respective phases. Many of you volition know that morale pips have been superior to fire and shock pips. This change will make the pips more than equal in value, although morale pips may still be the better option nearly of the time. To preserve the overall flow of battles, nosotros're thinking not to utilize this to arms protection from backrow, equally it is asymmetrical.

And then, after most of these changes existence implemented, and some withal WIP, this is what we're seeing in our nightlies AI tests:

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In some games Portugal is performing really well, while in others Spain is still a peak dog in the Iberian Peninsula and America. Regarding China, y'all can see that Ming sometimes manage to stay stable, while Mingplossion still happens regularly, and even some of the successor states are able to blob a bit after information technology, recovering MoH.

This is all for today. We're open to feedback and suggestions given by you lot to further improve the residue for 1.33, if possible; simply think to have ceremonious discussions about them, as there were some hot-heated ones a couple months ago (basically regarding Ming residual), and nosotros don't want that to be repeated.

Next week my young man colleague @Gnivom will talk about the changes made to AI in the upcoming 1.33 patch (and yeah, he volition be tackling the AI deleting forts issue, amid others). Hope you bask the DD!


Source: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/europa-universalis-iv-development-diary-18th-of-january-2022.1507040/

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